When you routinely go to the chiropractor, manage to maintain regular appointments and find yourself becoming symptom-free and feeling great, it can feel like you have struck health gold! And you have! Your nervous system is optimised to function at its best; your brain feels sharper, and your body feels great!
As incredible as chiropractic is (and it is pretty fantastic!) and as magnificent as our bodies' innate ability to heal and take care of itself is, we can only hold our last adjustment for so long. Daily stressors that are a part of our everyday life and how we handle those stressors can affect how long we can maintain our adjustment. How long you are under chiropractic care can also affect this; The longer you are in care, the better your body can hold your adjustment as your nervous system is better equipped to adapt to those daily life stressors.
An example of this would be:
A 30-year-old woman who regularly stretches and works out, eats a healthy and varied diet, sleeps 8 hours a night, and periodically attends her chiropractic adjustments for nine months will hold her adjustment longer. Whereas a younger 22-year-old woman who has a sedentary job, sleeps approximately 5 hours a night, smokes and has been in care for the same amount of time, her body will struggle to maintain her adjustment as her body is fighting multiple stressors at once.
Our habits and lifestyle choices can dictate how long we hold our adjustment for, and the better we care for ourselves, the longer we can do so. Likewise, your body will look after you as long as you look after it. So keep reading to find out the good habits and routines that can help you can get the most out of your adjustment!
Stay Hydrated!:
You'll probably hear this quite often from your chiropractor after an adjustment; keep yourself well hydrated! Not only is our body 70% water, and it always needs replenishing, but water helps flush out toxins released in the body during a chiropractic adjustment. So show your body some love and stay well hydrated!
Kick those nasty habits:
We don't need to tell you that smoking, heavy drinking and excessive consumption of junk food is terrible for you. Not only do they provoke a host of health problems that can lead you to need chiropractic care, but if your nervous system is doing its best to fight everyday stressors that are a part of life, why give it extra baggage to fight against when you are trying to heal? Give your health it’s best chance and bin those nasty habits!
Stick to your care plan:
Our chiropractors do their best to earn your trust and set out the best care plan for you, so you can get back to living your life to the fullest. Adhering to your care plan in your first phase of care is vital to getting the best care and your body's best chance at doing what it does best, looking after you.
The ups and downs of life will always stay consistent; however, our ability to adapt to these situations depends on how we care for ourselves. So start making your health a priority, stay healthy, stay active and stay adjusted!